Today my beginner class learned about the black & white pattern of the keyboard.  To supplement this with materials for them to use to build that pattern I gave them each a handful of Oreos to take apart and create with.  It was a very yummy way to add to the lesson and their understanding!

My older beginners are also using Oreos this week as a bonus "test tasting" (then taste testing)
activity.  They first complete a page about creating pentascales with the WWHW pattern and their root chords.  Page two is the surprise!  They are to figure out the E Major OCTAVE scale with WHWWWH and its root chord.  They then get to color in a stack of "Oreos" with the root chord at the bottom (black crayon for black keys).  Once that is done I hand them four real Oreos to separate and build it with.  Once they show it to me they get to eat it up!

Click here for the .pdf for this activity.

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